As I mentioned, we spent Thanksgiving with my two sisters in Manhattan. Lucky for us they both live in the same apartment building, with fabulous apartments and extra bedrooms (full-sized!! not NYC-sized). I was a little apprehensive about taking Ella as the week before we left she was acting very much like a two-year old. I seriously considered calling off the trip. But to my delight, she was a delight. Only had one minor meltdown; she was a real trooper. {2 doting adults and a grandma granting her every wish may have helped, too}
You would think that with Jamie's photography skills and all, we would take better pictures. But no. iPhone shots or bust. And none of them very good. But here's what I've got. (if anyone else took any good ones send them my way)
You would think that with Jamie's photography skills and all, we would take better pictures. But no. iPhone shots or bust. And none of them very good. But here's what I've got. (if anyone else took any good ones send them my way)

that's her camera smile....we need to work on it a bit

the train show at the botanical gardens. once we made it through the line, it was really cool

after a wet morning

ella and lily at the park--they had a great time together. and norwalk has a fabulous aquarium if you're ever in the area
Thanks, Wrides and Crosbys. Ella already wants to go back to 'York.
she can come visit anytime! we had so much fun with her.
Your kids are adorable! Tee-hee!
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