So I raced home and tried to adjust the margins. I went to Hobby Lobby and bought cardstock. And I came back to Breigh. I wasn't able to completely adjust the margins, but Breigh opened up her fancy little design program and viola, problem fixed. Then she did a test printing. The cardstock I bought turned out to be good for scrapbooking but horrible for printing, and the pictures looked like they had been rubbed with a piece of sandpaper. At this point I didn't have time to go out and buy better cardstock, but it would be $140 more to use Kinko's. Breigh came through once again.
"What if I sold you a ream of our cardstock for $16.99, and then it would be yours..."
Oh, Breigh, thank you, thank you, thank you. You not only made our project beautiful, but you reminded me how wonderful it can be when people go the extra mile. Tomorrow I'll try to pay it forward.
I like your new header. And I am so curious about this project. I am impressed with the help you got. That is hard to find anymore.
Annie--My mother-in-law was in charge of making some booklets for her Young Women. Each booklet contained 15 pages (which were 7x4 cards), and there are 40 girls. It was to help them memorize "The Living Christ."
Thank you, Breigh, and mostly YOU and Ryan for making this all happen. They turned out great and the girls really liked them!
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