November 17, 2012

30 Days of Thanks #17

And....we're back. After over a week without internet and TV, Ryan is home from Australia and we are online once again. I've been neglecting blogging, and honestly, I'm to tired to try and back-blog.  And since we are going out of town for Thanksgiving, my 30 Days of Thanks is going to be a little lean this year  (which is ironic because I have loads of good things to be thankful for).

Onto #17...

Ella Jane. Smart as a whip, kind and thoughtful, and such a good little friend. She is in the stage where she always wants to be helping me, and while it can sometimes drive me bonkers I really love it. She has done great with the move. A few unexpected meltdowns over silly things, but mostly just excited to be in the new house. She is such a good little girl. Thankful to be her mom.


Sue said...

She is so much fun and so unselfish. Love that girl!

Sue said...

She is so much fun and so unselfish. Love that girl!

Marie said...

She really is such a cutie. It was fun seeing you last Sunday!

kimmy girl said...

i blame the pregnancy hormones but this one made me tear up. love her.

packermom said...

Ella you are a gem.