January 25, 2011

parenting books

{I did this post for my work blog, and thought I'd put it up here as well.}

During my "nesting" for this new baby, I came across some parenting books and thought it might be worthwhile to pass on a few of our favorites. This list is by no means inclusive, but it's a good place to start. Happy reading!

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Marc Weissbluth
Last week I had a rough time getting my 2 year old to stay in her own bed. After one long night, and a few tears, I remembered this great sleeping book. I broke it out and re-read the chapter on toddlers. I followed Dr. Weissbluth's advice, and the next night was worlds better. His program is simple and it works, but you do have to be okay with listening to your child cry initially. If that's not your style, Nighttime Parenting by Dr. William Sears is a good alternative.

Baby 411 by Denise Fields and Dr. Ari Brown
This is the book I give as gifts for baby showers. It's written by a Pediatrician and a mom, in a question and answer format. Things like, "How much should my baby be eating/sleeping/peeing/pooping at 4 months?" "How long are naps supposed to be?" or "I have chosen to feed my baby formula. What formula should I use?" It answers all those questions that you had at your well-child visit, but forgot to ask.

If you have a colicky baby, this book is a lifesaver. Dr. Karp explains different ways to soothe your crying baby. The techniques don't work every single time, but it's nice to have something in your arsenal when you're all out of tricks.

Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care by Dr. Benjamin Spock
This is Dr. Lash's go-to book for child care questions. It's an oldy but a goody.

This is another of Dr. Lash's favorites. It is great for acute illnesses, "Do I really need to go to the Dr?" questions and behavioral issues.

Dr. Terry Brazelton has some great books on child development and behavioral issues (discipline, potty training, feeding, sleep, aggression, sibling rivalry, etc).

1,2,3...Magic by Thomas Phelan, PhD
This is a good discipline book for toddlers through school age children. It discusses how to effectively use time out. SOS--Help For Parents by Lynn Clark, PhD is another good one.

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