Last night we had friends over for dinner and I was in charge of dessert. In the spirit of fall I decided upon caramel apples. The recipe said to cook the caramel to 225, about 15 minutes. It quickly turned a beautiful golden color, then brown, then dark brown. But the thermometer only read 150. So I kept cooking. Finally I could smell it burning, so even though it only read 200 I turned off the heat. It was only as I dipped the apples in the dark, thick, gooey goodness that I realized my mistake.
Can you guess?

So we had candied apples, which would have been delicious if the caramel (toffee?) didn't shatter as soon as you bit into the apple. Oh well, better luck next time.

still makes me giggle; at least it looks pretty :)
I have another good oatmeal cookie recipe for your throwdown collection from another cute domestic blog--it's at http://domesticreflections.blogspot.com
I am going to a dinner party tomorrow and need a minestrone/vegetable soup. Let me know if you have a throwdown version.
Well, they looked yummy anyway...
I just melt Kraft carmels and call it good. At least you tried, and I bet they tasted pretty good.
You can buy Paul's caramel from Gygi's and it makes it super easy. A brick of it does 20-25 large apples.
I feel your pain. I have tried for two years to make candy canes and every year they never set hard enough and by the morning the canes we put on our tree have slowly stretched out and are 5 feet long and stuck to the tree skirt. Sugar can be tricky!
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