2. She loves balls. I picked up a watermelon in the grocery store to weigh it. She was enthralled--and cried when I put it back.
3. She can stand for about 15 seconds. Sometimes she thinks it is fun, but most of the time once she realizes she is standing unassisted she plops down or grabs onto me for dear life.
4. She shakes her head "no" when she doesn't want something. We think it is cute now...
5. She has finally learned a sign. "All done" may like a wave to you, but to the discerning eye there is a distinct difference.
6. She had her first swim! She wasn't sure about it. A little scared, a little enthralled.
7. "Mom" and "Dad" are starting to take on meaning, and she understands some of what we say. "Can you wave at the bus?" produces a wave. "Put your binky in the crib," results in a quick binky drop. It absolutely amazes me to watch her little brain develop.

8. Ever since she saw her friend Avery race up the stairs she thinks she is a climber, too. She can do about 4 stairs. Again, we think it is cute now...
9. She thinks it is really funny when she sneezes. She laughs and laughs.
10. She had her first taste of sugar. A snow cone at the 2009 Granite South Stake Family Fun Day with Aunt Kimmy. She did like it.
Love the toe nails!
Such a little cutie. I can't wait to see her.
She is darling...getting so big!
great photos! love that girl.
thanks for letting us play with her today;)
Kimmy....way to go on giving her some sugar! She has been deprived too long. Love the photos!
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