I've had a few random things on my mind recently. Here's are my ramblings for any who care to listen:
- Zofran. For all my pregnant friends out there, remember this blessed pill. It made my pregnancy a thousand times better. I would pop a pill when I started feeling nauseated, and then I could carry on with my day. It has gone generic recently but many pharmacies still charge an arm and a leg. Not Costco. The big box giant sells it for dirt cheap. And many other pharmacies will match their price.
- "The Economy." Lately we talk about it like it is a person. A living, viable being. I suppose it (I say "it," but I want to say "he" or "she") is impacting our lives enough lately that it warrants this personification
- Crafting with fabrics. I have a new love. I don't have much intrinsic talent, but it sure is fun. I may buy this just to see what I can make out of them. Onsies, burp clothes, wall hangings...the possibilities are endless.
- Growing. It is on the iTunes application store. You can see it here. It is an iPhone application that lets you plug in your child's information such as height, weight, head size, etc and it chugs the numbers and gives you their percentiles. You can track them over time. I came up with the idea, Ryan made it happen. We are both very proud.
- Good Morning Utah. I may be on an upcoming episode plugging Growing and FeverMeds. I am petrified. Shaking in my boots.
- Working. I still love it, but I am missing Ella more and more while I'm away. They really do grow so fast.
- Symbiosis. Ella likes to bite on fingers. Avery likes to stick hers in open mouths. It's a beautiful thing.

I am so SO tired of discussing the EcOnoMy. I know it is still bad, but seriously. People have done this before. We will get through somehow. Figure it out.
I wonder if Zofran would work for me. I just took Prilosec and I wish it did more. It only worked until lunch and then I just had to be careful the rest of the day or else I would end up puking my guts out for a hour or so. Not fun.
Lastly, that end pic is so cute! What good friends they are!
I want to squeeze Ella so bad!!
Thanks for changing my life and recommending Zofran! You are right! My doctor made me try Phenergan first before approving Zofran, but there is really no comparison. Zofran is incredible.
love the pics, what great eyes Ella has...wish we lived closer so we could split that bag of fabric scraps, so cute...that's awesome you may be on GMU!
SUCH cute pictures! I'm so jealous of your nice camera, but with this economy, we'll never get one (haha. joking, I don't even deserve a nice camera, I just wanted to say that).
And the finger biting is hilarious (to me, at least). Ethan is the Ella in that picture at our house and Kate is the other baby. Only Ethan has really sharp teeth and his bite's got bite. Kate does it over and over and screams every time and looks at me like, "mom, do something. He's biting me." I can't help but laugh every time. Just beware!
Cool about GMU!! When is it?
Also, I spent a fortune on Zofran. And I had to get it every three days. It was crazy...but I would have paid more...ugh that was not a fun time.
I am glad you like playing fabric. I was worried that the burp clothes may have scared you away.
Oh and good job with the photo-shopping of the picture. It's cute!
That picture is classic. They are both so cute! I would be scared to death to be interviewed on TV but you'll do great. Let me know when it's on!
I'd love to craft with you with a few scraps of fabric...my cousin made some darling birds that are hanging above her daughters bed...I've been thinking about making some.
I am so proud of you and ryan coming up with that! Every mother ought to have one. I'm going to tell everyone I know.
Ella is darling. Bridget continues to remind me about how Ella loves to "taste" everything. She loved the story of the couch
so cool about GMU...let me know for sure when you are on so that I can have my mom tape it for me...Happy Birthday tomorrow!
Hey, movie star! Let us know when that segment is on. That is one show that I will often sit down to watch during the day if I remember. Lunch? I'm good for almost any day. Love you! Granny B.
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