July 24, 2012

Summer Giveaway, of sorts

This is from my work blog, but since most of you don't read it I thought I'd share it here. Because who doesn't love a gift card to Target?!?

Each summer we try to do a giveaway, usually with a $50 Target gift card as the prize. This year we thought we'd shake things up a bit. We are taking the luck out of the giveaway and putting it in your hands.This year we are doing a new patient referral program, just in time for back to school physicals.

Every new patient who you refer gets you a $25 Target gift card.  Some of the specifics...

  • The patient has to be seen in the month of August (not just scheduled, but seen)
  • The patient has to list you as their reference
  • They patient has to be new to our office, ie, not previously seen by one of our doctors or nurse practitioners 
  • Previous referrals are not eligible
  • Every patient counts as his or her own referral. For example, if you refer a family of 4 and we see all four kids...ba bam. $100 in Target goodness for you.
  • There is no limit on the number of gift cards you can receive
We are really excited for this, and hope you will be to! Spread the word, tell your friends, and get yourself some Target love.

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