Checking out the pony


Chillin' with the pig

She's afraid the camel might spit on her

Aunt Jamie flew in for the occasion

picking the right duck is a tough decision

her "mean mom" wouldn't let her have flavoring in the snow cone. she didn't mind.

Popcorn poppin


There was also a climbing wall, cotton candy, a fish pond, bingo, a cake walk, face painting, a rockin' live band, mini golf and hot dogs. What a party. She had the time of her life.
{maybe we didn't go to all this effort for her party. maybe we joined in on the fun of the Toll Canyon Ward party that grandpa was in charge of. maybe. but don't tell ella. she thinks it was all for her.}
That makes me feel so much better. I thought you actually got her a pony for her birthday.
I'm completely jealous I didn't get to be there! What a fun birthday!!!!
Would your dad fly out for party planning if we paid him? Looks like a lot of fun - and a great way to spend a birthday even if you don't get syrup in your snowcone :)
How fun! Such cute pictures.
Now I am really bummed we didn't go to the carnival!
Great...now Avery will be demanding a pony for her birthday too!
Looks like so much fun...sorry we missed it.
We wanted to crash the carnival, but didn't have time. I'm glad Ella had fun!
I'm so glad she had such an awesome party and I'm so glad you didn't have to do it all!
She needs a picture in her Naartje outfit with Bridget, she's got one with those same prints!
These are the most adorable pics. What a way to spend a first birthday. Who is the sister that looks just like you?
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