Our Lugano copy. So so good.
The kids feasted on pasta while we ate steak. Totally fair.
A healthy selection of drinks. Thank you Brett.
"Cupcake! Cupcake!" -Ava
These may not look like much, but they were to die for. Literally. They might take a year or two off your life. Totally worth it.
Check out the sparkly shirt. "Happy" is stitched next to the heart. We do it right, I tell you.
You Tube'd the ball drop at 9:00. Happy New Year! No one's the wiser. I don't think Ella will fall for this one again.
Thanks Stevens, Wrides and Crosbys. Here's to a fantastic 2013!
Faking then out with an early ball drop. Genius. Why didn't I think of that?
What is the baked cheesy stuff?........never mind. I need every year of my life.
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