I saw my OB today and scheduled my ultrasound. Unfortunately, they can't do it before I go to New York. But my OB happens to be one of my dearest friends, and she is going to do a special late night is-it-a-girl-or-is-it-a-boy ultrasound on the 24th. She is the GREATEST! Everything is coming along swimmingly. Given how much the baby was hiding today when we tried to find the heartbeat, Amber (my OB) is betting it is a boy. Ryan also thinks there is a Y chromosome, so we'll see if they are right in a few weeks.
For all you belly watchers out there, here is a pic of my ever changing belly. A few weeks ago it was growing like a weed, but has since slowed down a little, thank heavens!

This is a self-portrait, so it's not the greatest. Where's Jamie when you need her?
Thanks for sharing the belly shot...YOU ARE SO CUTE! Wish I was there to see the growth in person! Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl!
Cute belly Al! Y does seem to be the dominating trend in this family as of right now. How exciting you'll find out soon! Good Luck!
So cute!!! We can't wait to hear if it has a y chromosome or not....keep us posted....
How is a baby going to fit in little Alissa? We'll just have to wait and see!
Love the "Baby Belly Bump1" So glad I get to see progress in real time. Love your blog! Love that you came Sunday to see Indie and the kids. We all love and admire you and love that you love our little Angel. Thanks for your concern and support. Grateful Grammie
i love the belly!!! we need one without the denim jacket on!
What's up with hiding behind the jacket? I say, show it with pride! Besides, you are one of those people who doesn't look pregnant until they turn to the side!
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