April 30, 2008

Girls' Trip

We had a fantastic time visiting Jamie and Kimmy in NYC. They showed us all their favorite places, and we shopped till we nearly dropped. We ate very well...if only we had a 'WichCraft, Patsy's, or a Pop Burger in Utah! As an added bonus, we stumbled upon the Sikh Cultural Society Parade and Festival. You never know what you're going to get in the big A. We rode the subway all over, and only saw one rat!

Who can resist a dancing cupcake at the Cupcake Cafe?? Not us!

Pink Flowers never looked so good

April 24, 2008

It's a girl...we think!?!

So, the little tyke wasn't totally cooperative with the ultrasound, leaving us about 80% certain it's a girl. I have another ultrasound next week, so we'll get a better idea. But for now, we're going pink. Looks like the Harman genes won.

April 19, 2008

Good Times

After nearly 7 years, Ryan has officially joined the Harman family. Today my dad and Ryan ran the SLC Half Marathon. My dad showed restraint during most of the race, but at mile 13 (with .1 to go) his encouraging words ceased being helpful. Ryan, following in the footsteps of all three Harman girls and about a dozen kids on the PCHS XC team, told him to shut up. He did and they finished the .1 together, no hard feelings. Ryan does NOT consider himself a runner (more of a cyclist, really) but he showed great potential. Finished right at 2 hours. Way to go, babe, and welcome to the family.

April 11, 2008

Per Request

I saw my OB today and scheduled my ultrasound. Unfortunately, they can't do it before I go to New York. But my OB happens to be one of my dearest friends, and she is going to do a special late night is-it-a-girl-or-is-it-a-boy ultrasound on the 24th. She is the GREATEST! Everything is coming along swimmingly. Given how much the baby was hiding today when we tried to find the heartbeat, Amber (my OB) is betting it is a boy. Ryan also thinks there is a Y chromosome, so we'll see if they are right in a few weeks.

For all you belly watchers out there, here is a pic of my ever changing belly. A few weeks ago it was growing like a weed, but has since slowed down a little, thank heavens!

This is a self-portrait, so it's not the greatest. Where's Jamie when you need her?

April 8, 2008

End in Sight

As of Saturday at 3:oo pm, I am officially on my way to being done with residency. I have 3 months left, only one of which will be challenging. After nearly 7 years, it's hard to believe that this chapter of our life only has a few pages left. Even though there were some early mornings I would have traded places with the patients sleeping in their hospital bed, all in all I have really enjoyed this experience. I have met amazing patients and have made friends to last a lifetime. Now if I can just survive the PICU....