December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

It was a really great year. On Christmas Eve it was a blustery blizzardy mess, but the fact that we were going to have a White Christmas made up for all the inconvenience. Christmas day was perfection--sunny with a fresh blanket of snow.

Ella and Anna are old enough to get excited about Christmas. Anna is obsessed with Nativities. I'm not sure if it was the live Nativity we went to, or seeing the life-sized one on temple square, but she loves playing with each piece, complete with narration "Where Baby Jesus go? Were Baby Jesus Mommy go?" From Santa Ella wanted a Dream Light and Anna simply wanted a treat, although a few days before Christmas she threw a Pillow Pet in there, too. Thank heavens Santa has access to Amazon! 

Brad and Alisha, Doug and Janet and Grandma Packer joined us for Christmas Eve dinner. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy,'d think we had room service on Thanksgiving and were making up for it :) It was delicious and so fun to see everyone. We missed Aaron, Greg and Lauren---maybe next year we'll figure out a way to all be together!


Ella and Janet went to the Nutcracker on Christmas Eve. Janet said that Ella was either totally enthralled or flopped on the seat next to her, bored to tears. Candy and drinks at intermission helped.


Thanksgiving, 2012

yes, I know it is Christmas Day and I am blogging about Thanksgiving. better late than never?

We had a once in a lifetime Thanksgiving this year.  The stars aligned, and somehow Duke was playing in a tournament in the Bahamas, Janet was turning 60, and every single member of the Doug Packer family made it down to Atlantis to celebrate, eat turkey and, most importantly, watch Duke win the Battle for Atlantis.

Watching a Duke game with her grandchildren. I don't know if Janet has ever had more fun.

The kids did surprisingly well during the games. Anna didn't make it all the way through, but close. Those are tired eyes.

We were close to the action. The games were in the converted hotel ballroom. Not a bad seat in the house.

Duke  (then #5) beat #2 Louisville. Of course they did. This was Janet's birthday.

Room service Thanksgiving dinner

We tried to get a family picture. Dress code: Khaki and white. I forgot Ella's dress, my shirt and Anna's dress. Sweet.

I remembered my white pants, but at the last minute wore my khakis. Way to ruin the pic, Alissa. At least Momo, the photographer, had us place our hands naturally, so that pretty much saved the picture.

It was a totally calm, overcast day. Perfect for pictures.

Thanks, Packers, for a great great trip. 

Lauren and Alisha did their blog posts in a more timely manner. And with better pictures. Check 'em out. 

December 16, 2012

How we roll

There are a million blogging things to catch up on, and things of much more weight and importance in the world right now. But, for a bit of levity, here is a video of what Ella, Anna and I stumbled upon on our drive through Alpine tonight. A light with crazy lights and a sign that said, "Tune into 95.3 FM." So we did. We were treated to drive by Christmas Carols/Light show. And then this one. Enjoy.