Sorry to all you who already heard this through an gave me such great ideas that I thought I'd expand it to my bloggin' friends.
Now that I have passed the boards (yeah!!!) and can feel a bit more secure about my job, I have been thinking about ways to improve our practice. The other day I was tossing a few ideas around and trying to think about things from a mom perspective. Suddenly I realized that I have a whole gaggle of moms (and a few interested dads) whose brains I could pick. Lucky me! So, here are a few of the questions that I have been thinking about lately. Feel free to answer
honestly. Leave a comment, or cut and paste the whole thing and email me your answers at I would
love to get as much input as possible so even if you don't know me, but somehow stumbled on this blog, feel free to give me your ideas. Thanks!1. What do you like, or dislike, about your pediatrician?
2. What do you love or hate about your doctor's office? We are going to remodel our office in a few months, so this one is really important. Some ideas...
- carpet vs laminate flooring
- bright colors vs neutral
- themed exam rooms
- separate waiting rooms vs a front desk that flows nicely (I'm not sure we can have both of these given our current layout)
How much does the look and feel of your doctors office affect which pediatrician you choose? Any suggestions are very welcome!
3. Would it matter to you if you saw the same MA (medical assistant) each time? Would you even notice?
4. Would you be annoyed (even slightly) if you received pre-recorded calls from your pediatricians office reminding you to schedule appointments for things such as
- well-child checks
- flu shots
- asthma check-ups (if your child had asthma)
- ADHD med checks (if your child had ADHD)
Would these calls make you more likely to make an appointment?
5. If your child has to be admitted to the hospital (heaven forbid), would it matter to you if you saw your own pediatrician or a staff doctor?
6. How do you feel about suckers and stickers at the end of the visit?
I welcome any other tidbits, tips or suggestions with open arms.